Exhibitions, conferences, events
Problems and Solutions
E. Pokatayeva
Critically important points of the industrial national project “Factory of the future” The article considers the main problems of the implementation of the «Technet» road map with point of view of the formation of a new generation of industry in Russia, based on the principles of «Factories of the Future», including the transition from the traditional hierarchy of information systems of industrial enterprises to unified information space.
Critically important points of the industrial national project “Factory of the future” The article considers the main problems of the implementation of the «Technet» road map with point of view of the formation of a new generation of industry in Russia, based on the principles of «Factories of the Future», including the transition from the traditional hierarchy of information systems of industrial enterprises to unified information space.
Tags: advanced production technologies. factory of the future informatization national technological initiative информатизация национальная технологическая инициатива передовые производственные технологии фабрика будущего
Sponsor Of The Issue
Materials Machine Tools
A. Kuznetsov, A. Kalyashina
Efficiency Of Metal Cutting Equipment And Production Systems. Part 2. General efficiency of metalcutting equipment and production systems The article analyses the existing methods for evaluating the efficiency of metal cutting machines. It describes in detail the systemic differences in the evaluation of the equipment efficiency in terms of OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) and E (Equipment effectiveness).
Efficiency Of Metal Cutting Equipment And Production Systems. Part 2. General efficiency of metalcutting equipment and production systems The article analyses the existing methods for evaluating the efficiency of metal cutting machines. It describes in detail the systemic differences in the evaluation of the equipment efficiency in terms of OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) and E (Equipment effectiveness).
Tags: effective time efficiency overall efficiency of equipment production cycle общий коэффициент полезного действия оборудования производственный цикл эффективное время эффективность
V. Afonin, A. Smolentsev
Prospects For The Development Of Machining Equipment With Elements Of Intellectual Control The article presents main directions of development of machining equipment control systems to ensure accuracy and high speed performance. It describes the mechanisms of relative manipulation, robotsmachines for performing intelligent technological operations. The article considers the requirements for modern mechanic equipment control systems when performing intellectual technological operations.
Prospects For The Development Of Machining Equipment With Elements Of Intellectual Control The article presents main directions of development of machining equipment control systems to ensure accuracy and high speed performance. It describes the mechanisms of relative manipulation, robotsmachines for performing intelligent technological operations. The article considers the requirements for modern mechanic equipment control systems when performing intellectual technological operations.
Tags: intellectual technological systems machining equipment. robotmachine интеллектуальные технологические системы механообрабатывающее оборудование роботстанок
Information Technologies
G. Bulanov, A. Bulanov, S. Borisov
Experience in the development and implementation of information technology at the UlanUde aviation plant. The article considers the structure and basic functional of the technologist’s automated workplace developed and implemented at the UlanUde Aviation Plant. It presents the main stages of implementation in a common environment for the development of the technological process and control programs for CNC machines.
Experience in the development and implementation of information technology at the UlanUde aviation plant. The article considers the structure and basic functional of the technologist’s automated workplace developed and implemented at the UlanUde Aviation Plant. It presents the main stages of implementation in a common environment for the development of the technological process and control programs for CNC machines.
Tags: automated workplace of the technologist cnc control program cyber production technological process автоматизированное рабочее место технолога киберпроизводство технологический процесс управляющая программа чпу
SKF solutions for spindle nodes of modern metalcutting machine tools
The article considers SKF engineering solutions in the field of design and modernization of spindle units of modern metalcutting machine tools. It presents practical recommendations on spindle service by SKF specialists.
Tags: bearing spindle mode spindle service spindle support опора шпинделя подшипник сервис шпиндельных узлов шпиндельный узел
Tools and Tool Systems
V. Balkov, L. Kamenetsky, E. Neginsky, O. Ott, D. Pischulin
Modern technological approaches to the manufacture of cylindrical coarsegrained gears. The article presents the features of evaluation and design of gear cutting tool for cylindrical gears processing in conditions of smallscale and individual production. It analyzes the basic provisions of the profiling techniques of gear cutting tools for various purposes. The article provides alternatives to traditional methods of gear processing, advanced technological approaches and design of tools for their implementation.
Modern technological approaches to the manufacture of cylindrical coarsegrained gears. The article presents the features of evaluation and design of gear cutting tool for cylindrical gears processing in conditions of smallscale and individual production. It analyzes the basic provisions of the profiling techniques of gear cutting tools for various purposes. The article provides alternatives to traditional methods of gear processing, advanced technological approaches and design of tools for their implementation.
Tags: coarsegrained gears gearing manufacturing of gears special gearcutting tools зуботочение изготовление зубчатых колес крупномодульные зубчатые колеса специальный зуборезный инструмент
O. Clubnichkina
The training of skilled workers and specialists of new formation The article considers modern methods for the training of skilled workers and specialists on the example of the activities of the Gagarin Lyubertsy Technicum. It describes the principles
of implementing the practiceoriented (dual) learning model and social partnership with manufacturing companies
УДК 378.4
The training of skilled workers and specialists of new formation The article considers modern methods for the training of skilled workers and specialists on the example of the activities of the Gagarin Lyubertsy Technicum. It describes the principles
of implementing the practiceoriented (dual) learning model and social partnership with manufacturing companies
УДК 378.4
Tags: a demonstration exam a practiceoriented model of training professional education professional orientation state final certification государственная итоговая аттестация демонстрационный экзамен практикоориентированная модель обучения профессиональная ориентация профессиональное образование
Looking Back
The ideologist of machines’ aggregation
To the 115th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Dikushin