Column of Minpromtorg
Industrial Robotics
G. I. Petrov, V. N. Filippov, A. A. Kulaga, I. K. Sergeev
Experimental Evaluation of the Influence of the Train Control Valves Configuration on the Brake Wave Propagation DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
The paper discusses the issues of the automatic brake control system efficiency of a freight train. A hypothesis is put forward indicating the possibility of improving the current braking system of a railway car with some change in its configuration. Practical recommendations are given to improve the current braking system of railway cars and a conclusion is made about the possibility of introducing gas-dynamic process accelerators into the machine-tool industry.
Experimental Evaluation of the Influence of the Train Control Valves Configuration on the Brake Wave Propagation DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
The paper discusses the issues of the automatic brake control system efficiency of a freight train. A hypothesis is put forward indicating the possibility of improving the current braking system of a railway car with some change in its configuration. Practical recommendations are given to improve the current braking system of railway cars and a conclusion is made about the possibility of introducing gas-dynamic process accelerators into the machine-tool industry.
Tags: automatic brakes automatic control systems brake wave gas dynamics railway car brake system railway traffic safety автоматические тормоза безопасность движения газодинамика системы автоматического управления тормозная волна тормозная система вагона
Industry News
Materials Machine Tools
A. P. Kuznetsov
Thermal Rigidity Of Machine Tools. Physical Fundamentals. Evaluation and Control. Part 1. System of Rigidity Concepts For Machine Tools DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
Basic principles of rigidity estimations and their description in physical processes of elastic deformation as an important element to be considered in design of metal-cutting machines are discussed in terms of requirements to machine tools accuracy and precision. Besides, influence on the machine tool thermal factors which also lead to temperature errors and cause the accuracy changes of the machine tool are considered.
Thermal Rigidity Of Machine Tools. Physical Fundamentals. Evaluation and Control. Part 1. System of Rigidity Concepts For Machine Tools DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
Basic principles of rigidity estimations and their description in physical processes of elastic deformation as an important element to be considered in design of metal-cutting machines are discussed in terms of requirements to machine tools accuracy and precision. Besides, influence on the machine tool thermal factors which also lead to temperature errors and cause the accuracy changes of the machine tool are considered.
Tags: accuracy elastic machine tool precision rigidity structural approach thermal and thermoelastic structure of metal-cutting machine to жесткость прецизионность станок структурный подход тепловая и термоупругая структуры металлорежущего станка точность упругая
A. V. Sakharov
Defining the Technological Capabilities of a 5 axis Milling Centre DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
Methods of determining technological capabilities of a 5 axis milling centre for manufacturing detail surface modules on the MFC650 model are described.
Defining the Technological Capabilities of a 5 axis Milling Centre DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
Methods of determining technological capabilities of a 5 axis milling centre for manufacturing detail surface modules on the MFC650 model are described.
Tags: forming movements machine accuracy machining centre surface module technological capabilities модуль поверхностей обрабатывающий центр технологические возможности точность станка формообразующие движения
V. F. Makarov, M. V. Pesin, A. O. Norin
Quality and Accuracy Increase of Aircraft Engine Parts Productivity on the Basis of Rational Application of Multi-Axis Grinding Machines with CNC DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
The developed technology of nozzle blades machining on a 5 axis CNC profile-grinding centre is presented. It increases productivity and quality of machining by increasing in quantity of machining surfaces of aircraft GTE nozzle blades from one installation, and also application of new highly porous grinding wheels and rational regimes of depth grinding. Combined use of machine tool NC system and special software to correct errors of parts casting surfaces during their installation, turning and depth grinding of base surfaces is considered.
Quality and Accuracy Increase of Aircraft Engine Parts Productivity on the Basis of Rational Application of Multi-Axis Grinding Machines with CNC DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
The developed technology of nozzle blades machining on a 5 axis CNC profile-grinding centre is presented. It increases productivity and quality of machining by increasing in quantity of machining surfaces of aircraft GTE nozzle blades from one installation, and also application of new highly porous grinding wheels and rational regimes of depth grinding. Combined use of machine tool NC system and special software to correct errors of parts casting surfaces during their installation, turning and depth grinding of base surfaces is considered.
Tags: depth grinding flow-through section grinding wheels machined surfaces number of passes of blade casting errors turbine nozzle blades глубинное шлифование количество проходов погрешности литья лопаток обрабатываемые поверхности проходное сечение сопловые лопатки турбины шлифовальные круги
Materials processing technologies
С. A. Yeremin, E. A. Mitrofanov, O. Yu. Kudryashov, V. N. Anikin, A. M. Kolesnikova, V. V. Levina, A. I. Lukashin
Study of Influence of Ion-Beam Deposition Process Parameters on the Structure and Composition of Diamond-Like Films DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
In this work, the influence of ion-beam deposition parameters as well as precursor composition on the structure of the formed carbon film has been studied.
Study of Influence of Ion-Beam Deposition Process Parameters on the Structure and Composition of Diamond-Like Films DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
In this work, the influence of ion-beam deposition parameters as well as precursor composition on the structure of the formed carbon film has been studied.
Tags: carbon coating cvd diamond-like film ion beam technology ion source алмазоподобная пленка ионно-лучевая технология источник ионов углеродсодержащeе покрытиe
А. S. Dudarev
Mathematical Model of the Technological Process of Deep Drilling DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
This paper presents an analytical mathematical model of a dynamic deep drilling technological system. The mathematical model was created on the basis of differential equations for the purpose of controlling an object – a technological drilling system. The control is carried out along the channel of the longitudinal feed of the tool, along the axis of the drill.
Mathematical Model of the Technological Process of Deep Drilling DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
This paper presents an analytical mathematical model of a dynamic deep drilling technological system. The mathematical model was created on the basis of differential equations for the purpose of controlling an object – a technological drilling system. The control is carried out along the channel of the longitudinal feed of the tool, along the axis of the drill.
Tags: blade compliance cut cutting drill drilling edge feed frequency model tool инструмент кромка лезвие модель податливость подача резание сверление сверло срез частота
P. A. Petrov, I. A. Burlakov, P. A. Polshkov, M. A. Chibizov, B. Yu. Saprykin
Increase of PLA Polylactide Forming Tools Strength by Hardening Method DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
The results of study of thermoplastic polymer (PLA) complex properties are presented. On the base of these results, the mode of 3D-printing of forming tool used for spatial bending of steel pipes of small diameter is determined. The optimum hardening mode providing the best set of mechanical properties of the tool has been determined.
Increase of PLA Polylactide Forming Tools Strength by Hardening Method DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
The results of study of thermoplastic polymer (PLA) complex properties are presented. On the base of these results, the mode of 3D-printing of forming tool used for spatial bending of steel pipes of small diameter is determined. The optimum hardening mode providing the best set of mechanical properties of the tool has been determined.
Tags: 3d-printing 3d-печать additive technologies fff extrusion technology hardening polylactide pla thermograms tool tool resistance tube bending аддитивные технологии гибка труб закалка инструмент полилактид pla стойкость инструмента термограммы экструзионная технология fff
Tools and Tool Systems
A. R. Maslov
Modular Tooling for Micromachining DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
Characteristic features of modular tool systems for the milling of small 3D surfaces are presented.
Modular Tooling for Micromachining DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2023.
Characteristic features of modular tool systems for the milling of small 3D surfaces are presented.