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Materials Machine Tools
A. Kuznetsov
Precision Of Cutting Machines In Its Historical Development The article presents a systematic approach to various methods for evaluating and controlling the accuracy and quality of metal cutting machines. It gives a historical retrospective of the evolution of the "accuracy" concept with reference to metalcutting machines. The article shows the trends and prospects of the accuracy development of machine tools when the technological structures are changed.
Precision Of Cutting Machines In Its Historical Development The article presents a systematic approach to various methods for evaluating and controlling the accuracy and quality of metal cutting machines. It gives a historical retrospective of the evolution of the "accuracy" concept with reference to metalcutting machines. The article shows the trends and prospects of the accuracy development of machine tools when the technological structures are changed.
Tags: accuracy achievable accuracy processing (cutting) methods technical and technological system technological structure достижимая точность методы обработки техникотехнологическая система технологический уклад точность
A. Sakharov, A. Arzybaev
Determination Of Technological Capabilities Of Milling Machines’ Group At Modular Level The article shows on the example of a vertical milling machine an approach to determining the technological capabilities of milling machines’ group at a modular level.
Determination Of Technological Capabilities Of Milling Machines’ Group At Modular Level The article shows on the example of a vertical milling machine an approach to determining the technological capabilities of milling machines’ group at a modular level.
Tags: machine accuracy milling machine shaping motions surface module technological capabilities модуль поверхностей технологические возможности точность станка формообразующие движения фрезерный станок
M. Turkin
Methodology and algorithm of complex calculation of accuracy of electroerosive copying & sewing CNC machine The article considers main factors affecting the accuracy of the electroerosive copying and sewing CNC machine. It proposes a technique for calculating the accuracy of a machine based on the sequential detection of factors affecting the operation of the machine, as well as an analysis of the qualitative and quantitative parameters of all the error components. The article gives the results of the practical application of the proposed method for optimizing the design of the basic elements of the machine.
Methodology and algorithm of complex calculation of accuracy of electroerosive copying & sewing CNC machine The article considers main factors affecting the accuracy of the electroerosive copying and sewing CNC machine. It proposes a technique for calculating the accuracy of a machine based on the sequential detection of factors affecting the operation of the machine, as well as an analysis of the qualitative and quantitative parameters of all the error components. The article gives the results of the practical application of the proposed method for optimizing the design of the basic elements of the machine.
Tags: displacement error electroerosive copying and sewing machine machine accuracy positioning error rigidity temperature error жесткость погрешность перемещений погрешность позиционирования температурная погрешность точность станка электроэрозионный копировальнопрошивочный станок
S. Gavryushin, M. Blokhin
Principally new multiblade machine of increased efficiency The article presents the stages of development and the main technical characteristics of a fundamentally new multiblade machine with circular translational movement of canvases. It considers the main advantages of the developed equipment compared with the traditional models of sawmill equipment.
Principally new multiblade machine of increased efficiency The article presents the stages of development and the main technical characteristics of a fundamentally new multiblade machine with circular translational movement of canvases. It considers the main advantages of the developed equipment compared with the traditional models of sawmill equipment.
Tags: board doublecant timber log multiblade machine quality reliability resource saw blades sawmills sawn timber бревно двухкантный брус доска качество лесопильные предприятия многопильный станок надежность пиломатериал пильные полотна ресурс
Materials processing technologies
V. Biryukov, D. Tatarkin, E. Hryptovich, A. Fishkov
Development of technologies and equipment for laser hardening and welding of machines and tools’ parts The article considers the main advantages of laser surfacing and hardening of machine parts and equipment. It describes the developed laser hardening technologies based on the use of fiber lasers and 2D scanners increasing the wear resistance and scoreresistance of hardened zones as well as the technology of laser surfacing of powder materials based on nickel.
Development of technologies and equipment for laser hardening and welding of machines and tools’ parts The article considers the main advantages of laser surfacing and hardening of machine parts and equipment. It describes the developed laser hardening technologies based on the use of fiber lasers and 2D scanners increasing the wear resistance and scoreresistance of hardened zones as well as the technology of laser surfacing of powder materials based on nickel.
Tags: abrasive wear fiber laser hardening zone laser processing laser surfacing scoreresistance wear resistance абразивное изнашивание волоконный лазер задиростойкость зона закалки износостойкость лазерная наплавка лазерная обработка
Information Technologies
N. Serkov
Calibration elements and accuracy diagnostics at the assembly of the 5axis CNC machine An article proposes a technique for diagnosing the accuracy of 5axis CNC machine based on the designation of a "norm" of positioning accuracy to assess the possibility of correcting without additional measures. It considers the algorithm of actions when the accuracy of the established correction rates is exceeded by the measured parameters.
Calibration elements and accuracy diagnostics at the assembly of the 5axis CNC machine An article proposes a technique for diagnosing the accuracy of 5axis CNC machine based on the designation of a "norm" of positioning accuracy to assess the possibility of correcting without additional measures. It considers the algorithm of actions when the accuracy of the established correction rates is exceeded by the measured parameters.
Tags: calibration cnc machine accuracy diagnostics positioning accuracy диагностика точности станка калибровка точность позиционирования чпу
Tools and Tool Systems
Measuring Equipment
G. Nuzhdin, M. Anisimova, D. Blagoveschensky
Metrological Supply Of Tool Manufacture The article shows that in tool manufacture it may not be enough to introduce only the GOST R 51672 requirements to metrological assurance of tool tests. On the example of the production of PJSC "MIZ", it demonstrates the expediency of applying the GOST R 8.563 requirements in addition to the implemented ones.
Metrological Supply Of Tool Manufacture The article shows that in tool manufacture it may not be enough to introduce only the GOST R 51672 requirements to metrological assurance of tool tests. On the example of the production of PJSC "MIZ", it demonstrates the expediency of applying the GOST R 8.563 requirements in addition to the implemented ones.
Tags: management system measuring equipment metrological support tool manufacture инструментальное производство метрологическое обеспечение система менеджмента средства измерений
Looking Back
S. Novikov
Researcher of vibration processes On The 85th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Academician Konstantin Frolov
Researcher of vibration processes On The 85th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Academician Konstantin Frolov