Topical interview
Column of Minpromtorg
Company Portrait
A. E. Krylova
Anniversary Year: ISCAR Celebrates Its 70th Anniversary and 25 Years on the Russian Market ISCAR Company (part of the IMC Group) is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Today, its precision carbide cutting tools are used extensively in renowned automotive, aerospace, die and mould making industries around the world. ISCAR represents around 10% of the world’s precision metal cutting tool market and looks confidently to the future.
Anniversary Year: ISCAR Celebrates Its 70th Anniversary and 25 Years on the Russian Market ISCAR Company (part of the IMC Group) is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Today, its precision carbide cutting tools are used extensively in renowned automotive, aerospace, die and mould making industries around the world. ISCAR represents around 10% of the world’s precision metal cutting tool market and looks confidently to the future.
Industry News
Expert Community Opinion
Industry Perspectives in the Additive Technologies Implementation
Materials of the virtual round table which discussed the main problems in the development of the additive technology industry in Russia and ways of solving them.
Additive Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment
I. O. Leushin, O. S. Koshelev, L. I. Leushina, A. V. Nischenkov, P. M. Yavtushenko
Thermally Removable Casting Models Assembly Method DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Improved version of model block assembly is proposed. Models of castings with feeders and riser were made by 3D-printing using additive FDM-technology from CAST-plastic. The results of testing the effectiveness of the assembly in the conditions of the current production are given.
Thermally Removable Casting Models Assembly Method DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Improved version of model block assembly is proposed. Models of castings with feeders and riser were made by 3D-printing using additive FDM-technology from CAST-plastic. The results of testing the effectiveness of the assembly in the conditions of the current production are given.
Tags: 3d-printing 3d-печать additive technology fixed joint groove injection moulding recommendation selection stud thermoplastic аддитивная технология выбор литье по термоудаляемым моделям неразъемное соединение паз рекомендация термопластик шип
D. K. Ryabov, I. A. Grushin, A. G. Seferyan
Features of Structure Formation and Properties of New Aluminium Alloys in Additive Manufacturing DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Results of studies of a number of aluminium alloys of different systems of alloying, obtained by additive manufacturing technology and their comparative analysis with traditional cast and wrought aluminium alloys are presented.
Features of Structure Formation and Properties of New Aluminium Alloys in Additive Manufacturing DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Results of studies of a number of aluminium alloys of different systems of alloying, obtained by additive manufacturing technology and their comparative analysis with traditional cast and wrought aluminium alloys are presented.
Tags: 3d-printing 3d-печать additive technologies aluminium alloys layer-by-layer synthesis technology selective laser alloying аддитивные технологии алюминиевые сплавы селективное лазерное сплавление технология послойного синтеза
P. A. Petrov, D. R. Agzamova, N. S. Shmakova, V. A. Pustovalov, B. Y. Saprykin, I. A. Chmutin, E. D. Zhikhareva
Some Properties of PETG Plastic After FFF 3D-Printing. Part 1 DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
This article discusses the analysis of a set of properties of a thermoplastic transparent polymeric material PETG (polyethylene terephthalate-glycol) after its processing using the FFF additive technology (material extrusion, Fused Filament Fabrication). The effect of the 3D printing mode on the complex of properties of a polymer material is considered: mechanical, optical as well as thermal ones. The obtained results illustrate the relationship between%-light transmission, thickness and sample orientation during 3D printing.
Some Properties of PETG Plastic After FFF 3D-Printing. Part 1 DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
This article discusses the analysis of a set of properties of a thermoplastic transparent polymeric material PETG (polyethylene terephthalate-glycol) after its processing using the FFF additive technology (material extrusion, Fused Filament Fabrication). The effect of the 3D printing mode on the complex of properties of a polymer material is considered: mechanical, optical as well as thermal ones. The obtained results illustrate the relationship between%-light transmission, thickness and sample orientation during 3D printing.
Tags: 3d-printing 3d-печать fff additive technology %-light transmission mechanical properties optical properties petg thermal properties thermoplastic transparent polymeric material аддитивная технология fff коэффициент пропускания света механические свойства оптические свойства тепловые свойства термопластичный прозрачный пластик
Exhibitions, conferences, events
Materials Machine Tools
A. P. Kuznetsov
Precision Control of Machine Tools. Structural and Parametric Methods. Part 1 DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Classification of the metal-cutting machines accuracy models into three groups, characterized by the number and kind of input components, as well as the result to be achieved, is substantiated. A scheme for choosing the system of reduction, correction, compensation and control of machine-tool accuracy is offered.
Precision Control of Machine Tools. Structural and Parametric Methods. Part 1 DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Classification of the metal-cutting machines accuracy models into three groups, characterized by the number and kind of input components, as well as the result to be achieved, is substantiated. A scheme for choosing the system of reduction, correction, compensation and control of machine-tool accuracy is offered.
Tags: machine precision control system precision of machine tool and workpiece product information and technological image информационный и технологический образ изделия система управления точностью станка точность станка и детали
Materials processing technologies
A. A. Pankratov
Prospects of Quasiplasticity Mode Application for Machining Actual High-Technology Products from Hard Brittle Materials DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Different aspects of diamond materials application for manufacturing innovative high-technology products and goods for instrument-making, nuclear, aerospace and other industries are considered. With the purpose of increase of efficiency of processing of hard brittle materials it is proposed to create a device or rigging for operating serial grinding machines, reproducing elements of quasiplastic processing.
Prospects of Quasiplasticity Mode Application for Machining Actual High-Technology Products from Hard Brittle Materials DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Different aspects of diamond materials application for manufacturing innovative high-technology products and goods for instrument-making, nuclear, aerospace and other industries are considered. With the purpose of increase of efficiency of processing of hard brittle materials it is proposed to create a device or rigging for operating serial grinding machines, reproducing elements of quasiplastic processing.
Tags: grinding machine module machining of hard brittle crystalline materials quasiplasticity synthetic diamond квазипластичность обработка твердых хрупких кристаллических материалов синтетический алмаз шлифовальный станочный модуль
S. A. Eremin, V. N. Anikin, A. D. Ryabtsev, P. M. Yavtushenko, A. M. Kolesnikova, E. E. Bobrysheva, D. V. Rudenko
Effect of Multigraphene Additives on Properties of Products Sintered from Stainless and Tool Steel Powders DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
The results of the study of the influence of multigraphene additives on properties of products sintered from stainless and tool steel powders by hot pressing show that additives of multigraphene increases hardness by 10% and decreases porosity by 16%. The presence of multigraphene activates the process of healing of large porosity due to the effect of critical wetting.
Effect of Multigraphene Additives on Properties of Products Sintered from Stainless and Tool Steel Powders DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
The results of the study of the influence of multigraphene additives on properties of products sintered from stainless and tool steel powders by hot pressing show that additives of multigraphene increases hardness by 10% and decreases porosity by 16%. The presence of multigraphene activates the process of healing of large porosity due to the effect of critical wetting.
Tags: electrochemistry multigraphene powder sintering stainless steel tool steel инструментальная сталь мультиграфен нержавеющая сталь порошок спекание электрохимия
L. Yu. Dariina
Development of “Additive Technology” in Pre-University Training. Experience in using CAD / CAM / CAPP ADEM In the article the integrated CAD / CAM / CAPP ADEM 9.0 system is suggested as a universal tool for the polytechnic education development in the sphere of general and supplementary education.
Development of “Additive Technology” in Pre-University Training. Experience in using CAD / CAM / CAPP ADEM In the article the integrated CAD / CAM / CAPP ADEM 9.0 system is suggested as a universal tool for the polytechnic education development in the sphere of general and supplementary education.